Mark A. Brown

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Tagline: Leverage the Wisdom Of Crowds

Points to Learn

  1. Seek Clarity – Focus on what is most important
  2. Understand the VUCA world: (Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, Ambiguous)
  3. Go back to Fundamentals and look at your Values
  4. Staying on the move and discover something new
  5. Bridges Model (William Bridges) that speaks about change over a period of time. (Letting go, Neutral/Transition, Embracing the New)
  6. We need to let go of all the certainties and the predictability
  7. Realize how little we are and there is a bigger picture out there
  8. We are reluctant to change – reasons: loss of control, what we have worked hard for, resistance
  9. Change is normal; Analysis; then Change in the Right way
  10. Try to Manage the Risk; Control what you can
  11. Open your ears and consult/listen with others, work in a more agile way, little to ‘crazy’ ideas
  12. Leverage the Wisdom of Crowds – prototype every 3 months – agile
  13. Take more risks, small risks and do many – experiment – feedback – move
  14. Certain areas we need to Leap – which industries will be able to do so
  15. Organisations are still very conservative in their thinking patterns and constrained by the old ways we have done business
  16. Leading in difficult times takes a very different mindset and skill needed from leaders
  17. Empathy, Relationships, Listeners, Open, Agile
  18. Take care of yourself first so that you can take care of others

Duration: 37:11


Mark Brown, PCC

Leadership Facilitator and Executive Coach

Mark A. BrownAn American based in Europe since 1994, Mark Brown has worked in leadership and executive education across Europe, Asia, the Middle East, and the Americas for 25 years. He is a director of a Portuguese firm offering trilingual leadership development and executive coaching to leaders at multinationals and governmental entities worldwide.

Mark published his first book in 2016, “The Empathic Enterprise: Winning by Staying Human in A Digital Age.” After launching his successful e-course ‘The Influence Toolbox’ in 2018, he continues to focus on agile leadership: developing leaders who are adaptable, market-sensitive, and prepared to lead their organisations to innovative, collaborative solutions.

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